Ohio parents can object to data sharing

From the Ohio DOE.




You mean it’s being orchestrated and is all about the money? Shocking.


From NPR:



Ohio House Bill 597

An overview of what’s happening:



You can read the full bill here.



More Ohio Common Core News

The debate over Common Core is heated in part because there are several drastically different political groups opposed to the CCSS for a variety of different reasons. At CURE we are not attempting to promote any particular party’s opposition to Common Core. Our goal is to disperse information, create discussion, and use our voices to support public education, teachers, and our children, who we believe, should not be defined by test scores.



Ohio Lawmakers Debating Common Core State Standards

Important things happening in Ohio.



Community Education Wrap-Up Part 2

As promised, Centerville’s Director of Curriculum has posted his presentation from June 19th online. You can view his PDF presentations on Common Core and the Third Grade Guarantee here.